Quality and Recognition
KCB is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1982, making it one of the oldest independent Degree / HE course providers in the UK.
The College has been approved with the highest ranking possible by the UK Government’s Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. The QAA review system focuses on the student experience, which obviously includes the quality of teaching. The College is fortunate to have highly qualified teaching staff, most of whom have also had significant experience as professional practitioners. This is a key strength highlighted by the approval process of our university partners. Several of the staff are also, or have been, examiners at other universities.
In addition to degree course provision with university partners, the College’s own Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas have long been accepted by UK universities for advanced entry to their own programmes.
KCB is a full member of key higher education quality oversight bodies such as the Association of University Administrators (AUA), the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA), and the UK National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC).
KCB has the distinction of being one of the earliest independent sector Colleges to be recognised by the UK Government as a degree teaching institution.
KCB was listed for over 14 years on the Listed Bodies Act by Act of Parliament in 1998 by what was then called the Department for Education & Science.
KCB was Approved by the UK Quality Assurance Agency [QAA] which is the Government appointed institution responsible for standards and quality in UK Degree/University courses. The highest judgement of “confidence” was delivered by the Quality Assurance Agency following the most recent Educational reviews of the College.